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My husband couldn't love me enough, to fulfill those needs. My children, couldn't love me enough to fulfill those needs and I couldn't love them enough, the way in which, they deserved, because of my needs. I would have periods of fulfillment in my life but, it never lasted and I would then need, more things and then more, to replace those. Nothing was ever enough.
Jesus is enough, to fill that bottomless hole in us. He can fill it, to overflow, so that we can then use, the overflow, to give to our husbands, wives, family, friends and strangers. He can give us the love, that we don't have to give.
Some of you may think, that you also, are in no need, of Jesus. But, let me ask you this, Is your marriage, in need of Jesus. Is your family, in need of Jesus. You may think, that you love your family okay, without him, but if you really want the best for them and your selves; then you owe it to them and yourself, to give Jesus ago. And just remember this. Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door,I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
I will leave you with one closing verse.
2Cor 6:2 Hear what God says: "When the time came for me to show you favor, I heard you; when the day arrived for me to save you, I helped you." Listen! this is the hour to receive God's favor Today is the day to be saved!(good news.)
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Chapter 1- Take The Me out of the I. | Chapter 2- With Eyes that See. | Chapter 3- The Forgery Exposed. The Truth Revealed | Chapter 4- My Return From Exile | Chapter 5- Jesus Calls Me To Follow Him |
Chapter 6- Why God Created Me-All is Revealed | Chapter 7- Jesus Lover of my Soul-Heals My Childhood Wounds | Chapter 8- Jesus Breaks the Chains of Bondage-One Link at a Time | Chapter 9- Foundations Broken to be Built Anew | Chapter 10- In Pastures Green |