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of great roaring winds that can make the ocean waves crash against the rocky shores. The beautiful golden sunsets, which then give way for another God-given splendor. The great mass of stars and night-lights, so that we need never live in darkness. The meadows so green and lush, like walking on the softest carpet. But even that wasn't enough.
God created wild flowers with such delicate colors and fragrances, as well as trees and plants of all description bearing fruit so fresh and mouth watering that one bite is more than enough. Trees with branches reaching out and up to the heavens towards God, their creator, God provided all the food and care needed, the soils, air, and water. Everything! Yet, all this wasn't enough!
He provided all the animals, from the greatest whale to the smallest ant. He created the birds of the air to fill the earth with song and the fish in the sea, such masses of vibrant color and splendor. A whole under water world with its own beautiful scenery of rocks, plant life and all kinds living creatures and if you've ever been diving or snorkeling, I am sure you will agree, that viewing the ocean is a sight you never forget or tire of. "The Garden of Eden." Whose name (being related to a Hebrew word meaning "bliss" or "delight") says it all. A garden where the living God, walked amongst and with us, everyday. God has given everything, right from the very beginning.
Would you like to see this place now, to even live in it now? Some people believe that we can only have this when Jesus returns, when God creates a new heaven and a new earth. But, that's not entirely true. We can have this now, today! Just look, really look to God and see him, because all of this and so much more are within him.
Chapter Two- With Eyes that SEE.
Jesus says in John 16:7-11, "But I the truth tell you, it is better for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the encourager will not come to you: but if I go, I will send him to you. And having come, that one will expose the world concerning sin and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment. Concerning sin,because they do not believe in me; concerning righteousness, because to the father I go and no longer do you see me; concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world has been judged. (direct translation from original Greek)
Before I became a Christian, I viewed the world so differently. In some ways, I saw more good than bad. When I became a Christian, I realized very quickly that the world was not as good as I thought it had been. I'd thought it was me who was the problem and not so much the world.
After becoming a Christian, I realized that my whole way of living had become a series of 'not quite rights'. These 'not quite rights' were so acceptable to me; they were just the ways of the world. It was okay to tell a lie, if it was a small white one.
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Chapter 1- Take The Me out of the I. | Chapter 2- With Eyes that See. | Chapter 3- The Forgery Exposed. The Truth Revealed | Chapter 4- My Return From Exile | Chapter 5- Jesus Calls Me To Follow Him |
Chapter 6- Why God Created Me-All is Revealed | Chapter 7- Jesus Lover of my Soul-Heals My Childhood Wounds | Chapter 8- Jesus Breaks the Chains of Bondage-One Link at a Time | Chapter 9- Foundations Broken to be Built Anew | Chapter 10- In Pastures Green |